Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Wow, so I've been friends with one of my very best friends travis for 13 years now. Like best friends since we were 5. And he just barely left for the MTC, I feel like I am going to die. We had so much fun almost all the time. Digging and getting the truck stuck and shooting guns in the foothills jumping on the tramp and eating the vegetables out of our moms garden.

We were next door neighbors for about 3 years then I moved to a different part of P.G. but my cousins moved into my old house so I still saw him frequently and then we started going to the same school. We've been best friends ever since. And now he's gone. I can't believe it. I'm going to miss him so much. I am glad he's going on a mission. He is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. He is my older brother. I cant imagine my life without him. He is going to do such a good job on his mission. I cant even wait til him and walter get back and we're goin on a road trip. It's gonna be sweet.

I look back on our memories and I cant help but laugh. Winters were the best. Sledding and driving crazy through parking lots, making snow forts and just falling down laughing, then going in for hot chocolate. I loved it. Back when I was little life was so simple. I miss it. I'm excited for the future but I most definately miss the old days. Travis I'm going to miss you so much it's ridiculous but when you get back I'll be where I need to be in life and we can make more freakin awesome memories. I miss you brother. You pretty much saved me.

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