Friday, May 1, 2009

BYU Rugby hits California :]

Well we made it to Cali. I love it here, its so nice. Being around all the guys is kinda wierd though. I dunno if I like it. They dont really talk to us which gets kinda old. And personally I think its rude. My mom say's its because they dont want Dad to think they are hitting on us, which whatever, they dont have to hit on me to talk to me do they?? Blah whatever I just dont care. So I just bought Angels and Deamons and I'm reading that. Its actually pretty good. Kevin is going to join the Air Force, I think it will be really good for him and he'll enjoy it. I wont like him being gone all the time but what can you do, I can live with it. It will be fine and he'll be making good money and having alot of fun, he might have to move up closer to Hill Air Force Base though. Seening as its an hour and a half drive and he'll be up there everyday, its just cheaper to live up there .

I love being here though. I really think the team can make it this time. It would be SO good! I think we have a chance to take the finals this year and it will be amazing. I just want to crush Cal. If we win it will be well deserved and the boys would love it. I know I'm going to cry if we do hahah and I forgot waterproff mascara. Dumb Andrea. Well, time for team devotional, yes we do devotional hahah its crazy, I forget that we're representing Brigham Young University so we have church standards still haha, I like it though we're having a lot of fun.

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