Monday, November 16, 2009

Look out College. Here I come!

Well, some new things are that I lost my job. It sucked anyways so I'm okay with it considering it only happened Thursday. If I find a new job really fast I should be good though :) I registered for college!!! Finally I am progressing with life. I only took off a year and wasted it. The last 6 months have been progressive so I don't count that. Things in life honestly are awesome. The only thing I want to get better is to have a decent job and be making decent money. It would be beautiful. The classes I'm taking are American Civilizations, Survey of Physical Science, English 1010 and Political Science 1010. My major is History Education and I can't wait to get started. My plan is to get a 2 year from UVU for sure and then maybe transfer to University of Utah or BYU. It all just depends. Hell I might even stay at UVU depending on the programs at the others. I'm just excited to finally be doing something! I don't wanna screw around in college like I did in High School. I really wanna take this seriously. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.

Things with Chandler and I are awesome. Ha I never knew how much fun doing practically nothing could be. But we're both poor college kids now so we have to be cheap. We seriously plan our weeks around what games we are going to or watching on T.V. and I absolutely love it. Our lives are based around sports. Its beautiful. Sports or hanging out with our families. I love his family and he gets along really well with mine. Our buddy Grayson goes into the MTC on Wednesday for the Houston Spanish Speaking Misson. Its gonna be so good for him but we'll miss him bunches. His farewell was yesterday and it was awesome. Chandler and I are going to Mesquite with his family for Thanksgiving and I'm excited for it because I need a vacation. Then when we get back its the BYU/Utah game. Chandler is a Utah fan and I am a BYU fan so it should be interesting. I'm excited. He's wearing red and I'm wearing blue and I'm kinda nervous to see how people that sit next to us will handle it. I'm sure he's going to get things thrown at him. But thats okay. I'll love him anyways :) and we'll throw it back ha. I'm really not sure who's going to win that game this year, Utah is a very talented team, but its at home for BYU. Not that that helped when they played TCU and Florida State but we'll see. I'm actually kinda likin Utah alot lately. Went up there las weekend for a game and it was a blasty balst. I won't lie. Utah fans are more fun then BYU fans, they are usually drunk and thats why but still. It was awesome. Went to a Utah basketball game this weekend too and that was pretty fun, and we're probably going to the Utah/SDSU game on Saturday. We aren't sure yet though. I'm just happy I found a kid that likes to watch sports with me as much as I do. It makes life tons easier and alot alot cheaper to sit on the couch and watch football instead of out spending money ha. Life is just awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrea, I didn't know you liked history! I go to UVU and my major is history education (I actually start student teaching in a month and a half). So if you want tips on how to get through the program or which professors are best or anything like that, email me and I'll give you the lo-down. :) Also, UVU has one of the best teaching programs in the state (the other being USU) and BYU and U of U have not so great ones (don't tell your dad I said that, I know he hearts BYU). :) Anyway, I'm so excited for you! The history and education professors at UVU are seriously awesome (for the most part) and history ed is so much fun! Jr. high students rock. :) If you want any info, just email me