Sunday, April 12, 2009

I am so bad at this!

Well, I always forget to write in this. Its annoying but what can you do? I'm trying to think what is recent news. Oh my mom and I had a few good heart to hearts this week, it was really good to talk to her. For some reason it didn't click that she would still love me if I made mistakes. I don't know why I didn't get that, Its just driven a wedge between us for so long and it feels like its finally gone. Its crazy. Home life is going great for the first time in almost 3 years. It feels great to know what healthy relationships are with parents.
I think we have officially decided to drive to nationals, its just so expensive for 6 of us to fly. I think we're gonna whip out the good ol' mini van, grab some DVD's and go west! Woo! 12 hours with 6 people in the car. Ya gotta love it, I'm hoping my dad will be able to take Gavin with him, that way he gets to deal with him and not us!
Well it seems as if EVERYONE is getting engaged. Amy and Josh got engaged last weekend, Kevins cousin got engaged, someone else did but I really can't remember. Kerri (Kevin's sister practically begged Kevin and I not to, I told her that wasn't an issue yet. I mean we've been dating for a LOOONG time but I'm only 18. I wanna marry him, just not right now :] We're too young. We wanna get a bit of school in and then talk more seriously about it. Its like a trend now. Plus when I get married, people will ask me when I'm going to have kids and that seems like a lifetime away.
My good friend Shena actually just figured out her 7 month old baby has pneumonia, she was really upset. We're just praying that she will be okay and wont have to go to the hospital, Shena wont be able to sleep. She is the most adorable baby in the world though, and so happy!
I'm still trying to find some sort of a job, I'm being picky and I really can't be. Not with the economy like this. It is ridiculous. I need to just step it up and get one. Well, I think I am about to pass out, I'll write more later.

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