Sunday, June 14, 2009


My my my its been awhile. Life has been so incredibly busy its ridiculous. I can't believe it. I hardly have time to think let alone keep my blog updated. Its crazy. I made some new friends and life is going great. I work from about 9 to 4 or 5 everyday and its been pretty good. I make pretty good money I just have so much to pay for I don't know where it all goes. Anyways I work Monday through Friday and then I go hang out with friends, the new ones I have are awesome and there is never a dull moment. The Lakers are about to win the NBA Finals and I just think its awesome. I'm trying to save for school and for a laptop and all this other junk I have to buy because the real world is alot more expensive then high school. It really gets annoying. I want to buy a decent laptop thats a decent price with decent features, there is a Dell that I'm looking at for 400 it seems to have the basics but ya know I dont have 400 just lying around right now and its on sale today only. I want it for my birthday and I told my mom I'd pay 200 if she paid 200 but I couldnt pay her til Friday but that would help me out alot. Then I could really get on track with saving for school. The plan is still LDS Business, then BYU but work is gonna be difficult when I'm going to school in Salt Lake. Plus I really really need a vacation. I am so tired all the time it is ridiculous, its probably because I dont get home til about 2 every night and then wake up, go to work, come home, eat, take like an hour nap and then go hang out til 2 again. Hahah life is crazy, but I'm really enjoying it. I never just sit and do nothing anymore, we usually go do something then go watch a movie then I come home and crawl into bed. I've honestly never been more tired haha. Oh and Blink is coming to Utah on September 7th and I can't wait! I bought my ticket the first day they were on sale. Its freakin awesome. So far I know like 12 people going, and I have to burn the C.D.'s for alot of people because they want to know the songs before they come and since I have all thier C.D.'s I'm the one people come to :] well its dinner time, then night games :]