Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Well goodness, I made it a goal to blog more and apparently it isn't working. I just always forget or there is things I would rather be doing it seems. Things haven't changed much honestly, still school and work and life in between. I just wish I was getting more hours, everyone knows you could always use more money.
School is getting kinda crazy, this semester almost killed me. It was seriously miserable. I couldn't focus until I was behind in everything and now I'm still trying to catch up. I just registered for classes next semester and I was seriously thinking about taking a break but I needed one last run to boost up my GPA because I'm planning on transfering next fall. UVU just isn't for me. So I'm looking for better paying jobs in Salt Lake because its looking like I'm going to go to the University of Utah and see how that works out. If transfering doesn't help me I'll probably just take a break and work for awhile and then maybe try again. I signed up fo:r Tuesday Thursday classes for next semester so I could work more days, I start class at 8:30 and end at 2:15 so that will be nice. I'm taking, Astronomy, Sociology, Indians of the Southwest and US History since 1877. All in all I think it will be interesting.
I don't know if anyones been paying attention to how freaking awesome the jazz are or anything but can I just say, holy Paul Millsap, you get hotter every time you score points. They went 4-0 in the road against Miami and Orlando. It was wonderful.
In other news, the Utah football team managed to destroy their entire freaking season in a mere 120 minutes of what I can't even call play because apparently no one showed up. Chandler, Derrick and I went to ESPN College Game Day at 5AM and were on campus all day long. All in all the day was absolutely fabulous, we really did have alot of fun, until the game and then it was all down from there. TCU managed to destoy Utah and the hopes of a 3rd undefeated season and BCS Bust in 6 years. I've gotta hand it to TCU, they are much better then I thought and I sincerely hope they have a chance to play for the title game. With a loss from TCU Utah still had a chance to come back and be a good team, they had the chance to still finish the season 10-1 but blew it sky high and crushed all hopes of any sort of BCS bowl when they went to South Bend on Saturday and got it handed to them again in a 28-3 loss. Now we're just praying for the Vegas Bowl, which if they go Chandler and I are totally going, I think with some friends but nothing is set yet since we have no idea what the rest of the season will hold. I just have to say, its incredibly sad that if and only if Utah beats SDSU on Saturday they will have to fight BYU for 1st place in the conference when BYU has a worse record and lost to flipping Utah State. It just goes to show how fast things can change. With Jake Heaps improving it doesn't help Utah.

I've just realized that this turned into a sports blog which most of you probably don't care too much about.

Its that time of year again were I get to curl up in my sweats and read, drink hot chocolate, read a book, eat all kinds of fatty foods and not care how much weight I gain because Hoodies cover everything :) I love coats and hoodies, the only thing that sucks about this time of year is that it gets windy. I love Thanksgiving though, its awesome. It gets harder to balance with everyone though, it used to just be my family but now that Chandler and I are together, its my family, his mom and his dad. We make it work though, its awesome.
I'm really excited about the holidays this year, I just wish everything was cheaper or that I made more money. But I think everyone wishes for that at some point in their life, things will pick up so I'm just trying to stay optimistic and keep working whatever shifts I can get, you would think things would be faster because its Holiday Season but its just kinda rough. Well, I better run. Happy Holiday's everyone!