Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So up until 2 weeks ago I'd never watched a baseball game in my life. Now I love them. The Red Sox got knocked out of the playoff's early by the Angels which made Chandler like want to kill himself but since I'm not as nuts about it as him I was alright We were actually carving pumpkins with his moms family that day so he had to control himself. It was amusing :) Our pumpkins were cool though. And I love his mom and her side of the family. His sister Jade has gotta be the cutest thing ever. I love her face! And I'm super jealous of her hair hahah its thicker and longer then mine and its chocolate brown :) His mom is awesome too,she makes me laugh so damn hard. And his step-dad cracks me up! I love it. We always go over there and play cards and Terry usually kicks my ass. Well when we play Phase 10 he does. I won at 31 once and that was freakin awesome. I felt so cool :) We play Canasta too and that is officially my favorite game ever! Its so cool. Chandler and I suck though and he always loses when I'm on his team and I feel bad cuz I totally made him lose the other night. I know he was mad but didnt wanna say anything hahah I felt like a jackass. His Dad's family is way cool too. I haven't really met any of his dad's extended family but Trent and Amber are awesome. Trent is hilarious. He makes me laugh so hard. And his little brothers are so damn cute. Chandler went to Vegas this weekend for the Utah UNLV game and so I was babysitting most of the weekend and it was actually pretty fun. I think its funny how I just hang out with his family without him haha. Its just because I'm really comforable there, I mean hell I pretty much live there so I should be. Plus Chandler is like the coolest kid ever. I've never had so much fun with someone I've dated. We watch a lot of sports, play games, there's been a couple concerts in the mix, just all around fun. And he babies me like crazy. I always thought that would drive me up the wall but I honestly love it. I love that he cares enough to take care of me, he opens my door and everything its crazy.. kinda baffles my mind in an awesome way ;) the kid's amazing

Oh yeah and Travis has been out for a year this month :) but I am super duper duper mad at him right now because he sent me a letter that just frustrated me beyond reason so I need to write him back and tell him we aren't getting married because Andrea will probably never get married. Hahah well I probably will, but Travis needs different then me. I'm too crazy for him. He would panic. And when he finds out I have a tattoo he'll go nutso. Which makes me sad because my tattoo doesnt make me a bad person it just makes me different. Well that and a rebellious little shit. hahah but I am so people can deal :) At least I'm my own person. Well I have to work at 8 am and its 12:30 so I'm going to bed. night