Saturday, November 21, 2009


Well, Grayson left on Wednesday. He'd gonna make an awesome missionary. The kid gave me his iPod right before he left. Nuts huh? It was awesome though. It like made my week. But that same night Chandler was walking me to my car after we'd left Grayson's and we were talking by my car and all of a sudden you saw it falling to the left and then there was a flash of light that lit up everything. It was amazing. For those of you who didn't see it you seriously missed out. I went Christmas shopping with my mom and Jill yesterday up in Salt Lake and it was awesome. I got the coolest Nike's I've ever seen, and a super cute shirt from Hollister and an even cuter hoodie. And I love love love hoodies. The Nike's are purple too, and awesome. But I can't have all my cool stuff til Christmas. Lame huh? But I'll live.

Chandler and I were supposed to be going to the Utah Game today but he went to the Boise St/ Utah State one last night with Landon and Jordan and his dad didn't want him going to 2 games in 2 days so he's working with him today. Which means I'll watch the games on the couch with cheaper food, and a blanket. :) I guess its supposed to be freezing and snow today. Which is appropriate seeing as its November 21st and we've seen hardly anything. Well I suppose I should get out of bed, I'm on a quest to go find some decent jeans that don't cost me a fortune because I'm poor, so let me know if there is anywhere that sells cheap cute jeans

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