Monday, October 13, 2008


Well, this week has been really difficult. I really really miss Travis. It toally blows without him. I don't like it at all. Walter and I went to Quarantine on Saturday it was so good. Like holy creepy.. It was intense. So I applied at Macey's again I hope I get it because I really need a full time job.. it would be awesome, I have a few friends that work there too. Travis used to work there before he left and Walter works there, Blake, Travis's brother works there and my friend Preston works there so it should be fun to work there, I really hope I get it.
I've been really missing Travis like a lot. Its absolutely ridiculous. Blake's girlfriend Cigi has helped me a lot with it tho. She sent Blake out so she knows where I'm at. Its really just not fun. She seems really nice tho. I have also been thinking about moving to Ephraim for school tho. Or possibly Logan. Or I'll just stick with UVSC but I dunno. If I get this job at Macey's I'll stay here and work there just move to orem or something. It should be really good and I hope I'll make good money. It would be really nice if I could. Plus with that and school I'll take up a lot of time and make some new friends and Travis leaving wont be as hard as it has been.
I worked at Victoria's Secret yesterday but I didn't really like it. I mostly just hate working on Sunday. It just drives me crazy. Really I'd want to quit if I got the Macey's job but we'll see what happens with everything. I dont want to quit as soon as I started but I know I'll like Macey's better because it isn't retail during the holidays. Plus its a better environment and I'll be around my friend. I really just hope I can get this one. I really need a job. Thats full time instead of part time actually even less then part time. So we'll see, I hope I get it. Then I can get a start on life. I feel like its been on pause since I graduated and its been on rewind since Travis left. Ugh, I just miss him like crazy. Oh well only 2 years until he's home. I can't even wait.
So in general, I want the job at Macey's I want to find an awesome roommate and we have a fabulous time. I want to get to be temple worthy get married and have a happy life. But that is awhile away. Unfortunately. I want all this stuff to work out. So we'll see. It should. I just want to get my life back on track and be happy.

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