Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Okay, everyone wants details I'll start at the begining. The first day I ever saw my ring was March 8th at Fred Meyer, we were walking around the mall with Jilly and saw this for the most amazing price ever. I could hardly believe it, it was everything I wanted (so no, my ring was not a surprise but I am very picky and didn't want Chandler to buy something I wasn't sure about so I told him to get that one or one similar). So we talked to the sales lady, I tried it on and it was awesome. Plus Julie (sales lady) was absolutely awesome, didn't push anything and just knew we were there to look. Little did I know Chandler talked to her like the next day and bought the ring right before Easter. I have absolutely nothing but fantastic things to say about Fred Meyer, they had great rings and great prices.
After I saw my ring we went to dinner with Derrick, Roy and probably McDowell and I told Roy how awesome it was. She went and saw it the next day because we're girls and thats what we do. She texted me to let me know she saw it and loved it. We talked a lot about Chandler and I finally getting engaged and how I wanted him to just do it. I mean we have been dating for almost 2 YEARS! And we live in Utah! Who has ever heard of such a thing (besides Derrick and Roy because they dated even LONGER). Roy told me to be patient and just stop thinking about it and then one day it will happen when you least expect it. Ding ding ding.
Anyways, I'll move on. Yesterday also happens to be Chandler's 21st Birthday so I definitely wasn't expecting a proposal, not even close. So I texted Roy and Travis on Tuesday morning and asked if they wanted to come to Texas Roadhouse for Birthday dinner, of coarse since Texas Roadhouse is AMAZING they wanted to! So I told Chandler and he said he might rather go to the Pi (this will make sense later) but then texted me about 2 hours later and said TRH. So I went home after work and got ready and Chandler started giving clues that I now don't know how the heck I missed but whatever Clue numero uno: He told me to grab my camera, but I just thought oh its his birthday, he wants pictures. So I put in my purse and continued to get ready, I was picking out my jewlery and decided to wear one of my promise rings, however my promise rings are both gold, and I was wearing a grey shirt with silver sequins, please tell me you see my dillema. So I decided to wear an awesome blue ring and I put in on my left ring finger, then switched to my right, I kept switching lets leave it there. Even in the car, I switched a million times, I ended up just taking it off becasuse I couldn't decide. So onto clue numero dos: He took FOREVER getting his "jacket" out of the car, I was already inside cuz it was raining, but he walked in with Derrick and Trav so I just kinda figured they had been talking outside. Then we were waiting for everyone to get there and here comes clue number 3, I tried to put my hands in his pockets and he wouldn't let me. I always try to tickle him tho so I figured he was just blocking. So we sit down for dinner and I just kinda felt like everyone knew something I didn't, like I was missing out on some key info. Yeah I really was. So I kept catching Roy look at Chandler like they were in on something but I couldn't figure out what so I let it go. Well, I told the waitress that it was Chandler's 21st birthday so we needed to get the sadle out here because he made me ride it so it was his turn. So he rode the sadle, they did the whole "Yee-hawww" thing and then he asked me to get his mom's camera out of his left pocket. So I reached in and pulled out my ring box. I just looked up at everyone and thought "What the hell is happening here?" Then I looked at him and said "This isn't a camera." Yes, that is what I said to my fiance, no oh my gosh are you serious, or I love you or even yes. No. I said "This isn't a camera." DUH! Hahah anyways, then I stood up, he asked me to marry him I said yes and it was all over. I couldn't even stop laughing. Everyone took a million pictures, my sister called (who missed it because some stupid girl wouldnt cover her shift! Who doesn't cover your shift when your SISTER is getting engaged?!) I'm so happy Chandler did it with our closest friends there, and that its on video and I can watch it every single day. I'm so happy he picked this ring and me to spend forever with.
McDowell showed up at the end which is so tyical McDowell but I'm happy he came, I'm happy Grayson, Roy, Derrick and McDowell got to share this with us, I couldn't pick better people to be friends with. I wanna say a BIG thanks to Clayton Taylor who set us up in the first place!---- OH! I almost forgot, the Pi, okay so we were gonna go to the Pi and then go to Rice Eccles and mess around playing catch and such on the field and then Chandler was gonna have it show up on the jumbo tron but seeing as they are setting up for U2 and for those of you that don't live in Utah it has rained 2 days straight and the field is a puddle he took me to my favorite restraunt with some of my favorite people.
It was absolutely perfect, there were no cheesy things, yeah it was in a Texas Road House, it wasn't the most romantic thing ever, but we aren't romatic people really, we are social, have the same group of friends that we do everything with, that know everything about us, and that I am so happy were there with us. I am so excited for this I can hardly breathe, Love you babe. Forever and ever.


Unknown said...

Friggin love it. I am super excited for you guys. Marriage is pretty awesome. I'm so happy that we were there and I am ecstatic about being a bridesmaid and helping to plan this shindig. Good things come to those for a reallly long time. Trust me, I know. It will pay off in the long run, before we got married everyone kept telling me that marriage was a struggle and to 'keep pushing through the hard times' an that it was 'a real transition'. Granted, Derrick and I have only been together for 4 years and have a lot of time ahead of us, marriage has been surprisingly easy. In fact, marrying Derrick has been one of the easiest things I've ever done (note that I said marrying, not BEING married to him). Dating for almost 3 years made our relationship stronger. There were less surprises and fewer things that I didn't already know about him (except for the weird way he likes to hang his clothes). Thanks again for having us there and for being my friend in general. I really appreciate you getting who I am and for realizing what I am and am not capable of. You are going to be a SEXY bride and I am SO excited for you. I don't think I've every screamed, laughed or jumped around so much in a while. You guys are best friends, and truly there is nothing better than spending the rest of your life with someone you can laugh and cry with.

Andrea said...

Roy, I love your face. I'm so happy you guys were there with us! I can't wait to get all this started and I'm so glad you wanted to be a bridesmaid! Love ya bestie!