Okay, so I know I always say I'm going to work out, and be healthy and blah blah blah and I NEVER do it. Well, those days are behind me. For the last 2 weeks I have been going to the gym Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with my best friend Roy after work. It has been amazing! I also cut out soda completely! Not one drop for a week and a half, which yeah I know- not that long, but if you only knew me, and know how much soda I consume on a day to day basis that is amazing. I haven't even had my usual headaches either. AND I've lost 6 pounds! I am so happy about it I can barely breathe. But it totally makes me more consious of what I'm eating and drinking. I decided I wasn't going to spend 4 hours a week at least a the gym and come home and eat crap! Its been so great. Some days are really hard though, I really struggle if I'm feeling sluggish and want to go home and change into sweats and watch Desperate Housewives. But then I remember that I can't ditch Roy and I drag my sorry butt to the gym.
Anyways, I'm sure that everyone these days is on pintrest and has seen these pins about how strong is the new skinny and such, and healthy is the new skinny and blah blah, can I just say thats crap.I mean really being healthy is really a lot better than skinny, but who doesn't want both? Really, you don't go to the gym and work your ass off getting flat abs to say "Oh look I'm skinny, shoot I just wanted to be healthy." Yeah I don't think so! But I think that if you are healthy you'll probably be skinny too, so it works, but make no mistake, just because you are skinny does NOT mean that you're healthy.
I am so guilty of this its sad. I looooovee food. Its delicious, but I'm not a dog so I don't need to reward myself with it. But like I said, this is so hard for me not to just eat Wingshak every day of my life.
Yeah one flipping pound at a time. I've lost 6 which is great, but I want to lose 34 more. I made a deal with myself and my parents that I was going to buy myself an iPad after I lost 30 pounds because I want one so bad I can hardly contain it, like I made sure Roy didn't let me go to the Apple store while we were shopping Saturday because I knew I would buy one if I went it. But I bumped it up to 40. I figured why not just lose the extra 10? I want to lose 40 all together anyways and I think thats the motivation I need to do so.
I have been drinking more water lately (at least 72 oz a day) and it helps! I love water, sometimes it gets a little boring but its been great. My dad told me I look like I've lost tons of weight (which coming from him is the biggest compliment of my life) and I think a lot of it is because I cut out soda and replaced it with water and got rid of all the freaking bloating that soda was giving me. I really never want to go back to it, but I probably will at some point lets be honest, but I don't crave it so good news there :)
I just need to remember this. Its going to be hard to wrap my head around that its not instant but I just need to remember I didn't put it on overnight and I can't loose it overnight. I try to read all these quotes so that I don't want to kill myself when I get on the scale and haven't lost anything or I don't see results in my jean size. I just need to remember to keep going and that I'll be okay.
My goals this week are:
1. No white bread
2. Gym 4 times
3.Water, Water, WATER!
4. Eat breakfast every day (killer)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
From Chaos comes Clarity.
So, this weekend while I was at the Utah game this weekend sitting there watching turnover after turnover my dad (who is obviously a BYU fan since he coaches Rugby there) texted me and asked me what the score was. My dad and I constantly banter back and forth when its football season. Utah's 54-10 victory over BYU this season really helped my cause. He can't stand losing especially not to my team. So when he texted me and asked what the score was I was a bit surprised that he wasn't watching the game. Its not like my dad to pass up on an opportunity to give me crap. Then he texted me and told me Chaos our Jack Russell Terrier got hit by a car, let me just point out the dog has been hit 4 times before so it was kind of like yeah whatever your lying, well turns out he wasn't. He got ran over by the mail man and took off running for some odd reason. My parents looked everywhere, they followed his blood all the way to the canal (which is about a mile away) and then the trail stopped. They kept looking and asking everyone if they had seen him and nothing. Some people did see him and said he was bleeding so badly that he'd turned pink and they'd thought he was spray painted. Then they went home and got Murphy our other dog who is an airdale terrier, absolutely massive but loves to hunt Chaos. When he couldn't find him we pretty much gave up hope but it was Saturday night so we planned on calling the pound Monday. We went out and looked again on Sunday and still nothing. We were pretty positive that he was gone and wouldn't be home. The saddest part for me was thinking that he was out alone in the cold bleeding to death and scared. Lucky for us though he was picked up by a police officer at about 2PM Saturday afternoon and taken to the animal shelter. So we had to pay $75 to spring him and my dad got a ticket for not having him on a leash and not having a dog license. By the way, when in the hell did you have to get a license to have a dog? The leash thing I knew about but a license? That you have to renew every year! Sorry but thats just too much. Anyways the good thing is that he's home now. He's got some horrendus cuts but my parents think he's going to be fine and they'll just heal on their own. Its pretty crazy when you think about it. I can't believe we found him. I'm so happy he didn't die. He's our baby, we've decided to make him an inside dog though ha. Only took us 5 times of him getting run over to realize hmmm... maybe this dumb ass should stay away from cars.
Friday, October 7, 2011
I'm completely obsessed with nail polish, and grey, so this fits.
So, I've been reading tons of blogs lately, and they are all the creative kinds where everyone is all cute and good at everything and blah blah blah I made the cutest bookshelf out of toothpicks, stuff that I am just not capable of doing, BUT I was thinking about it tonight and it just hit me, I can blog about my favorite things! You don't have to be talented to blog about your favorite things! I'm actually pretty excited to do it, so I'll blog about random stuff because I'm bored. Anyways, I figured I'd post my first one on my main blog because I haven't made my other one.
One of my vices in life is nail polish. I love it. It is amazing, I love all the colors. The problem is that I am OCD, and ADD I swear so I get totally sick of a color in about 20 minutes so I change all the time, I love OPI brand nail polish, they are by far my favorite and the longest lasting, however I just found this brand at Target that Roy introduced me to called Essie, they are a tiny bit cheaper than OPI but they really have great colors too. Grey and Purple are my favorite colors at the moment so thats the colors I have been using lately, i got this grey but I think its a little too dark. This color is Power Clutch,
I like it but I was going for more a light grey, they have a color called Glamor Purse that would be PERFECT but they only have it in stock at the Sandy store and I didn't want to drive up there today just for nail polish especially when I have to go up there tomorrow so I figured I'd just get it then. I should have waited because I'll end up repainting them on Sunday after I get the color, but I just couldn't wait.
Anyways, thanks for listening to me babble, when I get my favorite things blog up and running I'll post the link if anyone wants to read it, I don't expect people to like love it, I just get so bored and feel like writing about something.
One of my vices in life is nail polish. I love it. It is amazing, I love all the colors. The problem is that I am OCD, and ADD I swear so I get totally sick of a color in about 20 minutes so I change all the time, I love OPI brand nail polish, they are by far my favorite and the longest lasting, however I just found this brand at Target that Roy introduced me to called Essie, they are a tiny bit cheaper than OPI but they really have great colors too. Grey and Purple are my favorite colors at the moment so thats the colors I have been using lately, i got this grey but I think its a little too dark. This color is Power Clutch,
I like it but I was going for more a light grey, they have a color called Glamor Purse that would be PERFECT but they only have it in stock at the Sandy store and I didn't want to drive up there today just for nail polish especially when I have to go up there tomorrow so I figured I'd just get it then. I should have waited because I'll end up repainting them on Sunday after I get the color, but I just couldn't wait.
Anyways, thanks for listening to me babble, when I get my favorite things blog up and running I'll post the link if anyone wants to read it, I don't expect people to like love it, I just get so bored and feel like writing about something.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
This is a complaining post.
Okay, first of all, I am tired ALL the time. What is up with that?? I go to bed at 11 at the LATEST every single night, I set my alarm for 6:00 so I can get up and work out, recently I started setting TWO so that it would hopefully help me. NO! You guessed it, I hit snooze about 7 times. Its not just a half hour that I sleep in, nope my lazy butt does not end up getting out of bed until 7-freaking-30! How sad is that??? First of all, holy crap I have to be at work at 8:30, and I shower and everything in 40 minutes because I leave at 8:10, yeah that part I'm not really sad about, BUT I bet I would feel like I looked better if I would spend just a little bit more time on my appearence. I think we've already established how shallow I am so I don't need to defend myself. I feel like my weight is all over the place, I weigh myself 1 week and I'm at ____ (I'm not posting how much I weigh until the before and after pictures) and the next week I'm 10 lbs lighter, then 15 lbs heavier the week after that. Its so FRUSTRATING!
Plus, my clothes are being retarded, some fit and look so flattering and cute, and others seriously make me look like I'm pregnant. Its been months since I bought new clothes and I desperately need new ones I just can't convince myself to pay for them. I really need to suck it up though and just go buy some nice clothes that make me feel good, but then I hate it because I plan on loosing all this weight and I don't want to buy clothes that just won't fit eventually, but the reality of it is, I'm not loosing weight because I'm not trying, because I can't get motivated. I'm just going to have to buy some clothes that fit and call it good, then when I loose weight I'll still have all my other "skinny clothes" to go back to. Yeah, thats what I'm going to do.
I'm just sick of being fat, tired and lazy. I really need to get moving. Its so depressing that I've been so bad lately. Its just pathetic. I really just need to kick the bad habits and call it good. Just set a routine and stick with it, NO EXCUSES! I'm just gonna set up a plan and stick to it like glue. For the next few months if I'm MIA its because I'm gonna be at the gym kickin ass.
I thought a lot about taking kickboxing because it would be AWESOME! Plus, talk about an all over workout! That would ravage me! But it would be so great. I'm ready to start over and just have a good healthy productive me.
Plus, my clothes are being retarded, some fit and look so flattering and cute, and others seriously make me look like I'm pregnant. Its been months since I bought new clothes and I desperately need new ones I just can't convince myself to pay for them. I really need to suck it up though and just go buy some nice clothes that make me feel good, but then I hate it because I plan on loosing all this weight and I don't want to buy clothes that just won't fit eventually, but the reality of it is, I'm not loosing weight because I'm not trying, because I can't get motivated. I'm just going to have to buy some clothes that fit and call it good, then when I loose weight I'll still have all my other "skinny clothes" to go back to. Yeah, thats what I'm going to do.
I'm just sick of being fat, tired and lazy. I really need to get moving. Its so depressing that I've been so bad lately. Its just pathetic. I really just need to kick the bad habits and call it good. Just set a routine and stick with it, NO EXCUSES! I'm just gonna set up a plan and stick to it like glue. For the next few months if I'm MIA its because I'm gonna be at the gym kickin ass.
I thought a lot about taking kickboxing because it would be AWESOME! Plus, talk about an all over workout! That would ravage me! But it would be so great. I'm ready to start over and just have a good healthy productive me.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
It starts Today... as I drink a Dr. Pepper.
I am so sick of being fat! I always say I'm going to change and I NEVER do, for example, I'm sitting here at my desk drinking a Dr. Pepper, it is my weakness, it sucks me in and makes the day better. I work in customer service so headaches are pretty much constant. I love my job don't get me wrong, but some people I swear. Anyways, when I drink a Dr. Pepper it like dulls the pain, I guess this is how alcholics rationalize their issues. I've tried cutting it out completely and I am such an onry biotch that its not even worth it. I am short, snap at everything that moves and think about Dr. Pepper all day long. Also, I go out to eat almost EVERY DAY! How sick is that?! Seriously, it costs me so much money and its never places like Subway that I eat at. Its always like Chick-Fil-A or something thats delicious and full of sodium. I have a few new goals that I want to try and I want people to hound me if I slip, it is beyond ridiculous that I have gotten this fat and established all these bad habits. Goal numero Uno: ONE soda a day, thats it, no oh its been a crap day I'm having another one, or I have a headache crap. Goal numero Dos: Eat out once a week, this will help keep my wallet fat and my waist thin, I just need to start taking leftovers from dinner the night before or start buying turkey for sandwhiches. Goal number three: Work out at LEAST 3 times a week. That doesn't mean "Oh I walked a lot at work today so I'm good" No it means getting off my fat butt and either going to the gym or walking/running 3 miles. I'll probably end up walking/ running so Murphy has a chance to drain his NEVER ENDING energy supply, but he's the cutest so its okay.
I really want a personal trainer, or someone I can report to so they know I'm not cheating more importantly so I don't cheat to make myself feel better. I really need to start getting up at 6 every single day so I can workout before work because I always feel so much better, but my alarm goes off and my brain just goes "Nope, not happenin." I'm so pathetic. But I'm gonna take a picture of what I look like every single week so I can see if I improve at all, I want to start with 3 miles walking or running and get to going 6 miles continuous running and then just go from there. I've been really struggling with being chunky, I was skinny in high school so looking back on those pictures makes me like want to cry. How did I let it get this bad, its just so retarded. I'm gonna lose it all and work my butt off to keep it up, I will be skinny for my wedding dang it! I know I'm coming off as so shallow right now its pathetic but I just can't stop thinking about anything else. I want to be skinny and look cutre so bad, I am a shallow person I know that, but I also want to feel better, I am always tired, and my back is always sore. I'm just done with being unhealthy, its time for a do-over.
I really want a personal trainer, or someone I can report to so they know I'm not cheating more importantly so I don't cheat to make myself feel better. I really need to start getting up at 6 every single day so I can workout before work because I always feel so much better, but my alarm goes off and my brain just goes "Nope, not happenin." I'm so pathetic. But I'm gonna take a picture of what I look like every single week so I can see if I improve at all, I want to start with 3 miles walking or running and get to going 6 miles continuous running and then just go from there. I've been really struggling with being chunky, I was skinny in high school so looking back on those pictures makes me like want to cry. How did I let it get this bad, its just so retarded. I'm gonna lose it all and work my butt off to keep it up, I will be skinny for my wedding dang it! I know I'm coming off as so shallow right now its pathetic but I just can't stop thinking about anything else. I want to be skinny and look cutre so bad, I am a shallow person I know that, but I also want to feel better, I am always tired, and my back is always sore. I'm just done with being unhealthy, its time for a do-over.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Well, I was on a roll blogging but I killed it. Oh well, life is busy. I haven't really done a whole lot wedding wise because its so far away that I don't feel like I can do much. I've decided that I'm too fat to get married right now anyways so I'm really really glad that we're waiting. We're still trying to decide the key things, like how many people to invite, if we're going to a luncheon and reception or just one, where we're actually going to get married would be a good start but I just can't pick a place.
I've looked a lot at Highland Gardens, Sleepy Ridge and South Mountain Golf Club. Those are my top 3 places, especially the golf courses bacuse they have awesome grounds and they have indoor and outdoor patios. I want to have my reception outside but since we're getting married in July I think we need to be nice to people and make sure they can go inside to the air conditioning. The hard part is that everything is so expensive, I got my dress for really cheap so that is a HUGE help but the venue and food its just kicking my butt. I just don't know how people want to spend that kind of money when you could use it on a down payment for a house. I think we might just take the money and go to Vegas ha. Just kidding, my mom already said no.
Speaking of my mom, she wants to invite everyone to the ceremony, but she has a really really big family so it makes it difficult (and expensive) to seat and feed everyone. When I pick a venue Il;; have a better idea of how many people I can invite so it will give me a better idea on food and everything else, I just need to pick a place without spending wayyy too much money. Its proving to just be a headache, so I'm forgetting about it for a few months so there isn't as many issues.
My new goal is to lose 40 pounds before I go to my dress fitting, my dress is strapless so my upper body needs to look awesome and I want to look freakin sexy that day. My arms are a problem area and I would love them to be more toned, and a strapless dress is obviously going to show them off so I need to get working, yeah yeah I have a year but I don't want to hit June and go oh crap! I'm still a fatty! I have a double chin lately too so I need to get that to go away and I would love my tummy to be flat and my legs to be toned. I found a Gazelle Air Walker (its like an eliptical machine) online today for 20 bucks so I'm going to go look at it this week and hopefully make a purchase then put it in my room and while I'm bored I'll be able to do that instead of be a fatty and eat chips. I just want to look so good, I know its shallow but I'm so depressed with myself lately because I have honestly gained so much weight I just hate it. None of my clothes fit anymore and I'm like ashamed to go buy bigger ones, I just keep saying I'm going to lose weight so I'll buy clothes when I'm skinnny again, but I keep getting fatter. So I'm caving, I want to be like Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition, its that serious. I have gained so much I want to die. I will lose it though, its gonna be intense. If I can just be motivated all the time or even half is better than what I've been. I will be skinny though, mark my words.
Anyways, sorry I bored you with my shallow thoughts, if anyone has suggestions or information about Sleepy Ridge or South Mountain PLEASE let me know, because they are my favorites.
I've looked a lot at Highland Gardens, Sleepy Ridge and South Mountain Golf Club. Those are my top 3 places, especially the golf courses bacuse they have awesome grounds and they have indoor and outdoor patios. I want to have my reception outside but since we're getting married in July I think we need to be nice to people and make sure they can go inside to the air conditioning. The hard part is that everything is so expensive, I got my dress for really cheap so that is a HUGE help but the venue and food its just kicking my butt. I just don't know how people want to spend that kind of money when you could use it on a down payment for a house. I think we might just take the money and go to Vegas ha. Just kidding, my mom already said no.
Speaking of my mom, she wants to invite everyone to the ceremony, but she has a really really big family so it makes it difficult (and expensive) to seat and feed everyone. When I pick a venue Il;; have a better idea of how many people I can invite so it will give me a better idea on food and everything else, I just need to pick a place without spending wayyy too much money. Its proving to just be a headache, so I'm forgetting about it for a few months so there isn't as many issues.
My new goal is to lose 40 pounds before I go to my dress fitting, my dress is strapless so my upper body needs to look awesome and I want to look freakin sexy that day. My arms are a problem area and I would love them to be more toned, and a strapless dress is obviously going to show them off so I need to get working, yeah yeah I have a year but I don't want to hit June and go oh crap! I'm still a fatty! I have a double chin lately too so I need to get that to go away and I would love my tummy to be flat and my legs to be toned. I found a Gazelle Air Walker (its like an eliptical machine) online today for 20 bucks so I'm going to go look at it this week and hopefully make a purchase then put it in my room and while I'm bored I'll be able to do that instead of be a fatty and eat chips. I just want to look so good, I know its shallow but I'm so depressed with myself lately because I have honestly gained so much weight I just hate it. None of my clothes fit anymore and I'm like ashamed to go buy bigger ones, I just keep saying I'm going to lose weight so I'll buy clothes when I'm skinnny again, but I keep getting fatter. So I'm caving, I want to be like Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition, its that serious. I have gained so much I want to die. I will lose it though, its gonna be intense. If I can just be motivated all the time or even half is better than what I've been. I will be skinny though, mark my words.
Anyways, sorry I bored you with my shallow thoughts, if anyone has suggestions or information about Sleepy Ridge or South Mountain PLEASE let me know, because they are my favorites.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wedding Dress :)
Alright ladies and gents, here is the story of why I was my crazy O.C.D. self and got my wedding dress over a year before my actual wedding... Okay, so I have been browsing wedding dresses alot lately and have had lots of ideas, I love dresses, honestly they are amazing, however all the sites always have a size 2 model so you can NEVER tell how its really going to look, so anyways, last night I was showing my mom some of the dresses I liked online and I was saving my favorite for last. Then after I showed all the others I couldn't find it, I looked and looked, I typed in the style number, looked in the plus size and clearance! Nothing! I was in a panic, this dress was perfect for me, the gorgeous A-line shape, and the amazing side flower, I was so sad, plus the price! But I'll get to that later. So I immediately called Davids Bridal thinking if they at least had one in the store I'd be able to try it on and we'd go from there. I called, luckily they had one that they could at least clip me into and I could get an idea, I made an appointment before tonight just to be sure no one would buy it.
I had my appt for 6, so I texted Roy to see if she wanted to come and of coarse because she is the best she did, Jill had to work so she couldn't come with us unfortunately. So it was the first dress I tried on, and I loved it but it was a size too small so it didn't fit me the way I wanted it to but I could handle it with alterations, and I have a year and I swear I will be 2 sizes smaller than I am now anyways. Then I tried on a few more but nothing that I liked as much as the first one. Then the amazing girl that she was my consultant came back with the dress that she'd found in a bigger size. Let me just tell you, I had no intention of buying this dress today, I was just going to try it on and see what style I wanted. A-line is my style, its so amazing how skinny it makes you look! I loved it!
I had my appt for 6, so I texted Roy to see if she wanted to come and of coarse because she is the best she did, Jill had to work so she couldn't come with us unfortunately. So it was the first dress I tried on, and I loved it but it was a size too small so it didn't fit me the way I wanted it to but I could handle it with alterations, and I have a year and I swear I will be 2 sizes smaller than I am now anyways. Then I tried on a few more but nothing that I liked as much as the first one. Then the amazing girl that she was my consultant came back with the dress that she'd found in a bigger size. Let me just tell you, I had no intention of buying this dress today, I was just going to try it on and see what style I wanted. A-line is my style, its so amazing how skinny it makes you look! I loved it!
Anyways, I tried on the bigger size and I fell in love, it fit like a glove and was GORGEOUS. I knew, yep this is it. Its so fantastically simple that I love it, but it is still gorgeous. So not only was it my favorite dress, it was the ONLY one the store had left in my size, it was soft white (I don't want ivory) it fit amazing, and it was only $300.00! YES! My fantastic perfect dress was only $300.00! Because its being discontinued and they were having a sale. How is that not the most perfect scenario ever! I'm just so happy! It will need alterations so it will be more, but still you just can't beat $300.00. Its just awesome. So here it is, my gorgeous, perfect for my personality and laid back summer wedding $300.00 dress.
So I'm either going to add butterfly sleeves or wear some sort of shrug with it, but the dress is perfect, I'll post a picture of me in it eventually maybe, I'm just not the weight I want to be yet haha. But really I love it, its so flattering, I think I'm going to wear my hair down and curly and put a flower piece or a pretty comb in it to give it some spunk. I don't really like veils so I don't wanna wear one. I did try some on today and they were really cute so I might just have to rethink it, I just love my dress. Its perfect.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Okay, so I have a serious obsession with planning this whole shin dig, we're trying to work on a budget right now and its proving to be difficult. I am the first to get married, so no one really knows what to expect, how much is too much or what a good deal is. It says the average Utah wedding is $4,000, however that is not including the venue becuase most vet married in the temple and have the reception in the church, which is great for some people, but not for me. I don't really wanna get married under a basketball hoop. The average wedding outside of Utah is $14,000 and I sure as hell don't want to spend that much. No thank you. My ideal would be to keep everything under $5,000, and I still think that is a lot. I should be able to though, because the venue that I want is only $2,000 and EVERYTHING is included, except for food so I'll have to deal with that as we get closer because I have no idea what I want to do when it comes to that. I know we have awhile and I'm kinda jumping the gun but I am just really excited, but I really am happy that I have a long time to plan and get things organized.
Also I think I found a cake design I like! Now, for those of you that know me I don't really like cake, so I was just looking around to see some ideas for a small one that we could still cut and do all that stuff, but that I wouldn't have to eat and wouldn't be too expensive. I just don't wanna pay $300.00 for something that is totally gross. So I was browsing facebook and found "Utah Wedding Cakes" and they had some pretty nice cakes I won't lie, but I dont like fondant, really its gross but looks awesome. Buttercream is where its at, well this website boasts that Dawna's buttercream is so smooth that it looks almost exactly like fondant. The website is http://www.utahcakes.com/ for those of you that would like to look at some that she has up. As I was scrolling thru I found this little baby!
Isn't it perfect?! Its ZEBRA! What?! Awesome. Yes. So I obviously wouldn't have green, I would change that to purple, and have the dots be champagne and gray, and maybe have the stripes be purple instead of black but I'm not sure. So you believe me when I tell you, I will be calling Dawna shortly and trying to work this all out. Plus her prices appear fantastic. I was honestly kind of dreading the cake thing but now I'm all excited. I have also semi thought about doing something like this for the little kids, cuz its just awesome. Really who doesn't love a Cupcake Tree? I mean really? Its cupcakes, yummy!
So I found these cute shoes that I love, I've had shoes like them since I was 7 and they are just awesome, and totally cumfy. I've had about every color since I discovered them, and can't get enough of them. Plus they are so CUTE! Purple and Gray Converses? I mean how awesome? My mom and Jill really don't like them though, they think that I should be in heels, but I'm going to have to stand all flippin day, plus no one will even notice cuz I'm gonna be wearing a dress that drags on the floor so no biggie. They are just so dang cute!
I'm trying to get organized as much as I can without making things final because is so far away a lot could change by then and I don't want to be dissapointed if something doesn't work. I'm trying to be healthy a lot lately because I want to feel awesome on my wedding day. To be healthy looking and have toned arms is my goal for that day, and to have perfect skin. I want to look tan and have no acne or have an awesome photographer who can make that happen haha. I'm pathetic and vain I know but this is what I want, I just want to be comfortable in my own skin. To me its really important. I'm working really hard to make sure that is a reality and then stick with it even after. I just want to start our lives together as a healthy and happy couple.
Also I think I found a cake design I like! Now, for those of you that know me I don't really like cake, so I was just looking around to see some ideas for a small one that we could still cut and do all that stuff, but that I wouldn't have to eat and wouldn't be too expensive. I just don't wanna pay $300.00 for something that is totally gross. So I was browsing facebook and found "Utah Wedding Cakes" and they had some pretty nice cakes I won't lie, but I dont like fondant, really its gross but looks awesome. Buttercream is where its at, well this website boasts that Dawna's buttercream is so smooth that it looks almost exactly like fondant. The website is http://www.utahcakes.com/ for those of you that would like to look at some that she has up. As I was scrolling thru I found this little baby!
Isn't it perfect?! Its ZEBRA! What?! Awesome. Yes. So I obviously wouldn't have green, I would change that to purple, and have the dots be champagne and gray, and maybe have the stripes be purple instead of black but I'm not sure. So you believe me when I tell you, I will be calling Dawna shortly and trying to work this all out. Plus her prices appear fantastic. I was honestly kind of dreading the cake thing but now I'm all excited. I have also semi thought about doing something like this for the little kids, cuz its just awesome. Really who doesn't love a Cupcake Tree? I mean really? Its cupcakes, yummy!
So I found these cute shoes that I love, I've had shoes like them since I was 7 and they are just awesome, and totally cumfy. I've had about every color since I discovered them, and can't get enough of them. Plus they are so CUTE! Purple and Gray Converses? I mean how awesome? My mom and Jill really don't like them though, they think that I should be in heels, but I'm going to have to stand all flippin day, plus no one will even notice cuz I'm gonna be wearing a dress that drags on the floor so no biggie. They are just so dang cute!
I'm trying to get organized as much as I can without making things final because is so far away a lot could change by then and I don't want to be dissapointed if something doesn't work. I'm trying to be healthy a lot lately because I want to feel awesome on my wedding day. To be healthy looking and have toned arms is my goal for that day, and to have perfect skin. I want to look tan and have no acne or have an awesome photographer who can make that happen haha. I'm pathetic and vain I know but this is what I want, I just want to be comfortable in my own skin. To me its really important. I'm working really hard to make sure that is a reality and then stick with it even after. I just want to start our lives together as a healthy and happy couple.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Okay, so we have a date, but I haven't booked the place completely yet so I can't tell everyone in case it changes. But the important thing is WE HAVE A DATE! Last night I was with Roy til midnight (yes late I know, I'm feeling it today) and we were discussing wedding ideas and looking at other people's pictures and saying what we liked and didn't like and it was so fun! We picked a lot of things that I just love, like flowers, bridesmaid dresses, my dress and looked at sample photography so I could feel like I was at least getting something done, I know I know I have a year but I'm a little O.C.D. so I feel like I should get things under control now, and then 3 months before hopefully my panic attacks won't be as bad.
Anyways, I've pretty much decided on my colors, Purple (obviously), gray and champagne. I just love them, and they look classic. I know its not really summer but oh well, I'll have some lilac purple in there to make it all look summerish. After looking at everything with Roy last night I am not completely dreading this. At first I was like ughhh.. I'm gonna have to plan this for a million people and there is so much to do and so many details and I just wasn't so excited. But now I can hardly wait! I have 3 things that I want to be perfect and that is 1. My photography, that is my number one important thing, I just want nice pictures! 2. The venue, I've been to parties here and it is amazing, I love it its gorgeous, resonably priced and has everything I want. 3. My dress, I want my dress to make me look so faboulous. To just fit perfect and highlight my awesome features and cover the not so awesome ones. I just want to look and feel awesome in it.
Roy was showing me last night all her bridal pictures last night and the ones she did with Derrick before the wedding and they are fantastic! Honesly I think Chandler and I will do pictures before we get married just so I know I have awesome pictures just in case something happens on our wedding day that I can't control, like it rains, or it takes SO MUCH TIME! So we might just do it before, so I can pick a nice location and have awesome pictures to display at our reception. I know some people are all about not seeing the dress til the day but I don't mind either way. To each her own.
Also, I picked my bridesmaid dresses, they are purple haha duh. And we're thinking of tying a gray sash around them but I'd have to see it so I'm not sure.
They are indeed strapless but I could add sleeves really easy, or I could just leave them, they are gorgeous either way, and since all of my bridesmaids (Jill, Roy, Taylor and Jade) are stick figures I know they'll look great no matter what plus, they go to the knee! So its not like a scandalous dress. I just love these dresses and how perfect is that color. I realise that I wasn't very specific when I said purple, I mean eggplant, the beautiful dark purple that looks good on EVERYONE! That is what my bridesmaids will be wearing and I'm so excited I could scream.

Part of me is so sad that this is forever away but it will make my planning so much better! I know there are still things I will forget about until the day before and I'll probably still freak out but I'm happy we have a long time and we can take things at our pace. This is going to be ahmazing! I really am so excited.
Okay so I don't know if a lot of people know about these gorgeous little beauties but I didn't until amazing Roy showed me them. They could not be more PERFECT! I never thught about lilies until I saw this, and I've always loved them but this color is just amazing.
Mine will be the dark purple, with the stems wrapped in maybe gray? I dunno but they'll be wrapped the whole length instead of just part way like these ones are but I couldn't get a better picture. How gorgeous are those?! My bridesmaids will have the ones that are white with purple centers so they still match, and they are fantastic too!
I just can't get over how much I love love love these flowers. Freak good thing I have Roy or I never would have know about them. She is a genius I tell you.


Well, thats pretty much what I have right now exept for the bridal party, I have mine Jill- sister, Roy- bestie, Taylor- Chandler's step-sister, Jade- Chandler's sister. He doesn't have his yet cuz he's not a psycho and plans all this stuff years in advance. I'm really pretty excited for all this if you can't tell but I'm allowed!
Friday, May 20, 2011
So, with getting engaged everything is a little overwhelming. We wont be getting married until next summer because Chandler won't be finished with school until then and my grandparents and other family wouldn't be able to come over unless it was summer. I'm thinking July but haven't planned a single thing so I'm not sure. I do know that I want this to be an awesome party, and to have everyone we're close to there. A lot of people are like offended that we're not getting married this summer because its the "Utah" thing to do. I'm not knocking on other people but its just not for me, I've never planned on only being engaged for 2 months, for me its always been about a year. Plus, its my wedding so I get to choose. I just want to say now that if I didn't tell you personally it was in no way to offend you, I just have a lot of family and a lot going on so I can't remember all the people that I'm supposed to tell so don't be mad if you found out in a text or on Facebook, I still love you.
I have to admit it is kindof crazy being the center of attention though, Chandler and I work in the same place so EVERYONE knows us and how long we have been dating, not to mention almost every single person that works here knew that it was gonna happen on Tuesday, I am so shocked that no one told me, especially since I work at a car dealership and there are no secrets at car dealerships. I got to work on Wednesday and everyone wanted to see the ring and
hear all the details, I loved telling them but I was almost embarrassed that I had to keep telling it over and over. However, I had absolutely NO problem showing off my ring :) The picture posted shows it with the matching wedding bands, which obviously I don't have yet since we aren't married, yet. It honestly is the most perfect ring that I have ever seen for me. I love it, I love the princess cut diamond and I love that it has lots of little ones so it looks really sparkly. It is really just so gorgeous, I can't stop staring at it to get anything done.

Anyways tomorrow is Rugby National finals, I almost forgot about them with all thats gone on this week, but I'm really glad that they're coming up. I think this is our year and BYU is gonna walk away with another National Title. Sariah and Weston and Brennon and Bailey and their families are coming up for the game so that should be great I'm excited to see everyone, then its Braden's farewell on Sunday so we'll be going to Manti for that, he leaves June 1st for California, and Sariah and Weston get married on the 4th! How sad is that?! 3 days before?! I would be so mad, but if he doesn't leave then he'll have to wait another 6 weeks before he can go again. Its kindof depressing. He'll be a good missionary though so that will be nice, I'm excited for him but its still pretty sad.
Anyways, not much else is new, other than I really should pick a date and start planning our wedding, there is just so much to do I don't really want to face it. I know I'll have to eventually but I still have to figure out when a good time for everyone to come over is so I definitely have some phone calls to make, anyways I better run.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Okay, everyone wants details I'll start at the begining. The first day I ever saw my ring was March 8th at Fred Meyer, we were walking around the mall with Jilly and saw this for the most amazing price ever. I could hardly believe it, it was everything I wanted (so no, my ring was not a surprise but I am very picky and didn't want Chandler to buy something I wasn't sure about so I told him to get that one or one similar). So we talked to the sales lady, I tried it on and it was awesome. Plus Julie (sales lady) was absolutely awesome, didn't push anything and just knew we were there to look. Little did I know Chandler talked to her like the next day and bought the ring right before Easter. I have absolutely nothing but fantastic things to say about Fred Meyer, they had great rings and great prices.
After I saw my ring we went to dinner with Derrick, Roy and probably McDowell and I told Roy how awesome it was. She went and saw it the next day because we're girls and thats what we do. She texted me to let me know she saw it and loved it. We talked a lot about Chandler and I finally getting engaged and how I wanted him to just do it. I mean we have been dating for almost 2 YEARS! And we live in Utah! Who has ever heard of such a thing (besides Derrick and Roy because they dated even LONGER). Roy told me to be patient and just stop thinking about it and then one day it will happen when you least expect it. Ding ding ding.
Anyways, I'll move on. Yesterday also happens to be Chandler's 21st Birthday so I definitely wasn't expecting a proposal, not even close. So I texted Roy and Travis on Tuesday morning and asked if they wanted to come to Texas Roadhouse for Birthday dinner, of coarse since Texas Roadhouse is AMAZING they wanted to! So I told Chandler and he said he might rather go to the Pi (this will make sense later) but then texted me about 2 hours later and said TRH. So I went home after work and got ready and Chandler started giving clues that I now don't know how the heck I missed but whatever Clue numero uno: He told me to grab my camera, but I just thought oh its his birthday, he wants pictures. So I put in my purse and continued to get ready, I was picking out my jewlery and decided to wear one of my promise rings, however my promise rings are both gold, and I was wearing a grey shirt with silver sequins, please tell me you see my dillema. So I decided to wear an awesome blue ring and I put in on my left ring finger, then switched to my right, I kept switching lets leave it there. Even in the car, I switched a million times, I ended up just taking it off becasuse I couldn't decide. So onto clue numero dos: He took FOREVER getting his "jacket" out of the car, I was already inside cuz it was raining, but he walked in with Derrick and Trav so I just kinda figured they had been talking outside. Then we were waiting for everyone to get there and here comes clue number 3, I tried to put my hands in his pockets and he wouldn't let me. I always try to tickle him tho so I figured he was just blocking. So we sit down for dinner and I just kinda felt like everyone knew something I didn't, like I was missing out on some key info. Yeah I really was. So I kept catching Roy look at Chandler like they were in on something but I couldn't figure out what so I let it go. Well, I told the waitress that it was Chandler's 21st birthday so we needed to get the sadle out here because he made me ride it so it was his turn. So he rode the sadle, they did the whole "Yee-hawww" thing and then he asked me to get his mom's camera out of his left pocket. So I reached in and pulled out my ring box. I just looked up at everyone and thought "What the hell is happening here?" Then I looked at him and said "This isn't a camera." Yes, that is what I said to my fiance, no oh my gosh are you serious, or I love you or even yes. No. I said "This isn't a camera." DUH! Hahah anyways, then I stood up, he asked me to marry him I said yes and it was all over. I couldn't even stop laughing. Everyone took a million pictures, my sister called (who missed it because some stupid girl wouldnt cover her shift! Who doesn't cover your shift when your SISTER is getting engaged?!) I'm so happy Chandler did it with our closest friends there, and that its on video and I can watch it every single day. I'm so happy he picked this ring and me to spend forever with.
McDowell showed up at the end which is so tyical McDowell but I'm happy he came, I'm happy Grayson, Roy, Derrick and McDowell got to share this with us, I couldn't pick better people to be friends with. I wanna say a BIG thanks to Clayton Taylor who set us up in the first place!---- OH! I almost forgot, the Pi, okay so we were gonna go to the Pi and then go to Rice Eccles and mess around playing catch and such on the field and then Chandler was gonna have it show up on the jumbo tron but seeing as they are setting up for U2 and for those of you that don't live in Utah it has rained 2 days straight and the field is a puddle he took me to my favorite restraunt with some of my favorite people.
It was absolutely perfect, there were no cheesy things, yeah it was in a Texas Road House, it wasn't the most romantic thing ever, but we aren't romatic people really, we are social, have the same group of friends that we do everything with, that know everything about us, and that I am so happy were there with us. I am so excited for this I can hardly breathe, Love you babe. Forever and ever.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Well, since I haven't written since November, I guess I'll update this. Chandler and I did end up going to the Vegas Bowl, Utah lost but it could have been much worse. We went with Landon and Jordan and the rest of the athletic dept up there and it really was a lot of fun. I discovered Sephora while I was down there and let me just tell you that was an expensive little discovery. Vegas was great though, we got home right before Chirstmas and then had the Holiday's to enjoy. For Christmas this year I didn't get tons honestly but I got to pick almost everything that I got so that was nice, I just picked stuff I really needed or wanted, which translates to mostly clothes. Jill and my mom did surprise me with a Kindle though and its the most amazing thing I've ever owned I'm absolutely in love with it.
Also, between now and then I got a new job and finally got to quit Bed Bath & Beyond, I know work at Doug Smith Autoplex full time and I absolutely love it. Its the best job ever, my hours are great and I couldn't be happier here. I know its crazy that I work with Chandler but I honestly hardly see him at work since we work on different sides of the lot. Its just nice finally having a real people job, but I now see how people get so tired and just want to stay home and relax when they get off work, I rarely like to hang out past 10 because its too hard to wake up in the morining and work a 9 hour day after no sleep. I just love my job, thats all.
Last weekend Chandler, Grayson and myself went to Las Vegas (Yes, I know we go there a lot) this time for a 311 show and it was the best concert I have ever been to. Grayson is a professional at getting to the front and I got to touch Nick Hexum, yes I am obsessed with him, shut up. He is so sexy and the fact that he sings for the most amazing band known to man is a huge plus as well. I can't wait for them to come to Utah again this summer. I just love them, we were talking about going to 3 shows this summer and following them for a bit, and then they announced a camping trip in Northern Florida for 4 days and we dunno if we can pass that up. We'll have to pick between the 2 but I wish we didnt because I could go to them all and it wouldn't be enough 311. I just love them so much, like more than Blink 182, well in different ways, and if you know me you know how big of a deal that is.
Anyways, I'll spare you my music obessisons. I haven't really done anything else noteworthy lately but so far 2011 is turning out to be a great year. Since its only Feb it can still get better and I have a feeling it will, I'm so excited for summer I can hardly contain myself, I'm just ready for Lake Powell again and to be tan and wear shorts, my goal is to lose 20 lbs by Chandler's birthday but the Dr. Pepper I'm drinking right now isn't going to help me get there so we'll see how that goes. Roy got me obsessed with make up recently and I love her for it but its not cheap haha totally worth it tho. I dunno how I ever survived with drug store crap for so long, I love her for making me feel pretty hahah! Yes thats lame, but you would be amazed at what clear skin and even pigment can do for a girl. All in all life is great and I'm loving where I'm at right now. Chandler is going to school full time and working about 60 hours a week so that kinda sucks but its nice because we really enjoy our time together and it makes me appreciate him more :) sometimes I forget how good he is to me and I can be a little snobby, shocker right? I'm really proud of him for working his butt off though. It will all pay off in the end for him.
So in my last post I was going on and on about how good the Jazz were doing and now if anyone has even turned on a TV you've seen that thats no longer the case, with the sudden resign of Jerry Sloan and trade of Deron Williams the Jazz fell pretty quickly, they beat the Pacers last night and it looks like Devin Harris will do well in Utah and if you watched the Nets game Deron "re-injured" his wrist, apparently him and Boozer were closer than I thought. I think they'll make the playoff's but they won't go very far, but you gotta love them. I'm telling you now though if they draft Jimmer I'm gonna buy a Bryant jersey and cheer for the Lakers again. Can't stand Jimmer, wish him the best but I don't want him on the Jazz.
Hahah I rant about a lot of things on this, I'll be done for now, hope everyone's doing okay
Also, between now and then I got a new job and finally got to quit Bed Bath & Beyond, I know work at Doug Smith Autoplex full time and I absolutely love it. Its the best job ever, my hours are great and I couldn't be happier here. I know its crazy that I work with Chandler but I honestly hardly see him at work since we work on different sides of the lot. Its just nice finally having a real people job, but I now see how people get so tired and just want to stay home and relax when they get off work, I rarely like to hang out past 10 because its too hard to wake up in the morining and work a 9 hour day after no sleep. I just love my job, thats all.
Last weekend Chandler, Grayson and myself went to Las Vegas (Yes, I know we go there a lot) this time for a 311 show and it was the best concert I have ever been to. Grayson is a professional at getting to the front and I got to touch Nick Hexum, yes I am obsessed with him, shut up. He is so sexy and the fact that he sings for the most amazing band known to man is a huge plus as well. I can't wait for them to come to Utah again this summer. I just love them, we were talking about going to 3 shows this summer and following them for a bit, and then they announced a camping trip in Northern Florida for 4 days and we dunno if we can pass that up. We'll have to pick between the 2 but I wish we didnt because I could go to them all and it wouldn't be enough 311. I just love them so much, like more than Blink 182, well in different ways, and if you know me you know how big of a deal that is.
Anyways, I'll spare you my music obessisons. I haven't really done anything else noteworthy lately but so far 2011 is turning out to be a great year. Since its only Feb it can still get better and I have a feeling it will, I'm so excited for summer I can hardly contain myself, I'm just ready for Lake Powell again and to be tan and wear shorts, my goal is to lose 20 lbs by Chandler's birthday but the Dr. Pepper I'm drinking right now isn't going to help me get there so we'll see how that goes. Roy got me obsessed with make up recently and I love her for it but its not cheap haha totally worth it tho. I dunno how I ever survived with drug store crap for so long, I love her for making me feel pretty hahah! Yes thats lame, but you would be amazed at what clear skin and even pigment can do for a girl. All in all life is great and I'm loving where I'm at right now. Chandler is going to school full time and working about 60 hours a week so that kinda sucks but its nice because we really enjoy our time together and it makes me appreciate him more :) sometimes I forget how good he is to me and I can be a little snobby, shocker right? I'm really proud of him for working his butt off though. It will all pay off in the end for him.
So in my last post I was going on and on about how good the Jazz were doing and now if anyone has even turned on a TV you've seen that thats no longer the case, with the sudden resign of Jerry Sloan and trade of Deron Williams the Jazz fell pretty quickly, they beat the Pacers last night and it looks like Devin Harris will do well in Utah and if you watched the Nets game Deron "re-injured" his wrist, apparently him and Boozer were closer than I thought. I think they'll make the playoff's but they won't go very far, but you gotta love them. I'm telling you now though if they draft Jimmer I'm gonna buy a Bryant jersey and cheer for the Lakers again. Can't stand Jimmer, wish him the best but I don't want him on the Jazz.
Hahah I rant about a lot of things on this, I'll be done for now, hope everyone's doing okay
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